Sunday, May 15, 2011

Well, today is Day-2 of my new life as a blogger. This morning turned out to be a sad one at the Pace house. Our sweet Polly cat was hit by a car and killed this morning. Polly had three kittens who were born about four weeks ago. Our Gracie cat had four kittens about ten days later and unbelievably, both mother cats let each others kittens nurse!

It was so funny to walk out into the sunroom and see a mixture of kittens from each litter nursing on whichever mama cat was available. Fortunately, Polly's kittens are pretty much ready to start on some soft kitten food.

The death of our cat is so small in comparison to what so many of our friends are going through right now. One friend just lost her daughter, another was just diagnosed with cancer and one very special friend has twin grandbabies who are fighting every day to overcome some seemingly unsurmountable challenges.

Seeing my friends go through difficult times has not been easy but, in each case I have seen such an amazing display of trust in God. There have also been incredible outpourings of prayer and support from friends and strangers for these situation. The faith shown in each situation has been inspiring and has reminded me of times in my own life where my faith and the prayers of others did so much to sustain me in times of struggle.

How wonderful it is to see social networks such as facebook and blogging used as a way to uphold and encourage those who face difficult situations.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I love to write. Plain and simple. Writing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. One of my all-time favorite school assignments was in the fifth grade when we had to write and illustrate a book. I still remember the title of mine, "Miss Polly and Miss Ginger's Animal Circus". This was named in honor of my two sisters, Polly and Ginger. My brother, Bo, hadn't been born yet or, I'm sure his name would've been incorporated into the title in one way or another. I can still see some of those illustrations in my mind's eye. I don't remember a lot of details about the plot of my book but, I do remember how proud I was of my finished assignment.

Since then I've written everything from poetry and short stories to newpaper articles and even a weekly column which earned me the nickname "Ermafaye" from my husband. To this day he still calls me Erma or Ermafaye and rarely calls me Tammy. I had some really loyal readers when I had my weekly column in the Daily Corinthian and I still have people who come up to me and tell me how much they enjoyed it and how much they miss it. Last year someone even brought me a copy of one of their favorite articles. I was blown away that someone had kept one of these articles for so long because I haven't written "The Fast Pace", which was the name of my column, since 2002. I still have a card from one reader tucked into my Bible (which is where a lot of my special treasures end up). She sent me a card telling me how much she enjoyed my column and that it reminded her of some of the newspaper clippings her late mother would send to her while she was away at college. I have a book or two in my head and maybe one day these words will find their way from my thoughts, to my fingertips and eventually into printed form. Until then I'll satisfy my need to write on here.

If you don't write I encourage you to try. If you can speak, you can write. Writing has helped me through good times and bad. When I lost someone special very suddenly I sat down at my computer and wrote her a long letter telling her all the things I wish I'd said while she was alive. After I poured my heart out along with about a gallon of tears I re-read what I'd written and promptly deleted all of it. The words were gone but, the cathartic experience of pouring out my heart into written words was part of my healing.

Most often my writing is funny, thus the nickname Erma from Petey which is in honor of one of my all-time favorite authors, the late Erma Bombeck. If you haven't read any of her books I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. I'd suggest starting with "If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, What am I Doing in the Pits?" or "The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank".

I think blogging is one of the greatest inventions of all time and there are several bloggers I love to follow. Blogging is a great way to express yourself and learn many valuable lessons from those other writers who share their experiences by blogging.

Maybe by starting this blog I'll get back in the swing of things and finally get started on those books. Until then, I'll be content to satisfy my urge to write one post at a time :o)